Addon for blender BlenderGameRig
Back to Blender and open Preference Window, and click 'Install...' button.
Choose downloaded zip file and click 'Install add-on from File...' button.
Then GameRig will be found in Add-on list (filtering by categoly 'Rigging',
you can find faster), click check box to activate.
Add 'metarig'
Mode: Object Mode
Hotkey: ⇧ A
Menu: Add → Armature → GameRig
Adjust metarig
Edit metarig armature, let it fit to your character mesh.
Set vertex group for armature deforming.
GameRig will copy bones without renaming differs from 'rigify',
you can test armature deforming with metarig armature.
Add additional bones
If your model has hair / cloth / etc. bones, add these too.
These bones will be copied to generated rig.
If they have constraints and/or have drivers, these will be copied too with right target.
Generate rig
When you are ready, click 'Generate New Rig' Button of Armature Properties tab.
Parent mesh objects to rig armature.
In pose mode, you can make pose or animation with generated rig featuring IK/FK blending, etc.
Rig's special parameters and functions will be available in 'GameRig Properties' panel that be placed on Item tab of Sidebar.
Regenerate rig
If you feel some bones have bad positions, it means you need to edit metarig again,
but you can regenerate rig quickly after edit metarig.
Edit metarig again, and click 'Regenerate rig' button to apply changes.
Please confirm current collection contains target rig to overwrite.
Otherwise, gamerig generate a new rig to current active collection.
Deference from Rigify
Clean hierarchy
GameRig dosen't rename original bones and dosen't add deform bone and dosen't insert any bones to original bone tree.
More suitable for game / VR content development.
Multi Face Rig
More flexible face rig.
Blend animation and physic simulation result
'generic' and 'tentacle' rig can blend between own result and
metabone's constraint result if metabone have constraint.
How to use with an existing armature
An armature not recognized as GameRig's metarig,
the armature's properties panel has no GameRig panel.
Then you cannot setup metarig with existing armature.
In this case, add 'Single Bone' metarig and join (Ctrl + J / Menu Object→Join) an existing armature to it. And remove 'root' bone from metarig if you don't need it.
Gamerig panel will be available in armature properties panel.
In pose mode, you can set rig parameter in GameRig Rig Type panel that be placed on bone properties tab.
Why 'Unity Mechanim/Human' metarig has X 90° rotation
By deference of coordinate system between Blender and Unity,
imported mesh lie down in Unity with a fbx file exported by Blender.
This is a reason of metarig has X +90° rotation (GameRig generates a rig with
same rotation as metarig).
Rig armature having X +90° rotation and their children having X -90° rotation,
and settings of export fbx are:
- scale is 0.01
- 'Apply Unit' is off
- 'Apply Transform' is on
and Unity side import settings are:
- Scale is 1.0
- 'Convert Unit' is off
These settings make imported fbx object having right orientation and clean transform (no rotation, no scaling) on Unity.
For combination of Blender 2.80 and Unity 2019.1
I was using deferent settings for same effect in Blender 2.79 and Unity 2018.4 era.
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